There are many benefits to membership in Temple Beth Shalom.
A tour of the Temple is available as well as discussion of the benefits of membership. Please call the Temple at (561) 483-5557. Temple President, Howard Rosenhouse, would be happy to meet with you any weekday morning. Also, we would be happy to see you at Shabbat services on Saturday mornings.
Provisions are made for those who have financial hardship.
The 10 top reasons why should be a member of Temple Beth Shalom.
10. You receive the Beth Shalom monthly bulletin alerting you of all the upcoming events and programs.
9. Low individual membership dues.
8. First year free membership in the Sisterhood and Mens Club.
7. Participation in the many programs by the Mens Club, Sisterhood, Adult Education and Choir.
6. Access to our in-house soon to be World Famous Diamond Kosher Caterers.
5. Complementary services of our clergy for your life cycle events.
4. Special membership rate on Synagogue programs and High Holiday Services.
3. Monitoring your Yahrzeits, life cycle events, and receiving honors at Shabbat and Holiday Services.
2. Spiritual Clergy led services in a traditional, yet modern Conservative Style.
And the number one reason to belong to Temple Beth Shalom – –
1. You may arrive as a stranger, but you will leave as a friend!